A true red-neck - Just got back from the airshow.
Long hot day today
So many planes, so many cameras that overheat and shut down!
The plan was to go there and camp all weekend. I had even purchased sleeping bags and camping pillows. Then a friend came to town and was interested in going with us. The heat has been intolerable even at home with the A/C on for a few weeks now. I was not sure of too many variables so I stayed home Friday and Saturday.
We woke up at 7:00 and had a car to take us 60kms outside the city to GEZ (General Rodriguez) which is a grass strip, uncontrolled airport which hosts the EAA events here in Argentina.
It's late and I am completely toasted on my arms and neck (kept my shirt on the whole day though I did soak it with cold water once every twenty minutes) and filmed most of what I saw.
There will be many posts as I put together the footage of the very respectable and talented Argie Pilots here.
I have just enough time to put this little teaser post out before bed. Then the real work will be before me with some 4k footage and bits and pieces of some routines that were finished with different devices when the go-pro gave up due to heat, then the phone, etc.
There is also a museum with an entire hanger of bombs and aircraft which I took time to tour after lunch.
I am excited to have finally found this personal past-time that I so enjoyed when I lived near Oshkosh. I had always made time to go "do an airshow" several times per year for the first half of my life. I have not been able to find events here because they occur so far outside the city.
This year, I have pilot friends and I am even getting behind the yoke and brushing the rust off of my landings again. Those videos are coming too! It seems I have spent more of my free time living life than posting about my life as of this year. Stick with me! I have a lot to write about and will do it here.
