Early Changes - How we got here.

Some of the first changes may not seem that horrible, but they all contributed to where we are today. I am talking about the government intervening in your life while you are not doing any harm to anyone else. We should question the process of enacting laws and the legitimacy of them, not to mention the logic of their application as well.

Imagine if some mayor or governor told you that you had to wear a blue handkerchief hanging out of your left pocket everywhere you walk. If you are caught without it or if it is not visible, then you will have your legs broken by the police.

"That's cool. It's easy to do that. Plus, I do not want to do anything illegal!"

It would be easy to follow the law. I mean, you don't even need to buy anything in order to comply.

Maybe you live in a different state or city and your elected official only wants you to spin one hundred and eighty degrees every one hundred steps. As long as you turn around, you can continue on your way without being stopped. "Great! That's easy to do."

It is easy in theory, but not so much in practice. Once you start counting as you walk, you realize that you have to stop and sit down to make a call or just plan your trip. You cannot even listen to the radio to find out if there are traffic jams in the area. So, you used to walk around and never had a problem. You never did any harm to anyone you passed. Who made this law? Why did they do it?

They want control! They just want to make your life difficult under the guise of protecting you from yourself, as we will see below.

One early change

What sparks the ludicrous examples above is the issue of helmets on the streets of most cities and states. People who never had to pull the helmet off on a hot day and go into a restaurant or a meeting made the laws. The people who defended these laws never dealt with helmet-head, sweat, or the cost of a new helmet. Why are their no helmet laws for all drivers. Race car drivers wear helmets, so I am sure there is a need to wear them. So why did the governors not make car helmet laws too. They did not want to make that many enemies all in one day.

Now take the above example of the handkerchief and imagine that everyone who wanted to walk had to buy an "approved" handkerchief in order to walk freely. You see where I am going, right?

The day helmet laws went into effect, is the day I stopped riding of my motorcycle. Then I moved and continued riding. But that was in the eighties of last century. Since then I have only driven cars as the laws caught up with my place of residence. I am riding more now that there are vehicles that do not require these types of controls. Still, there should have been more of a fight when those laws were enacted. If there had been, we would be in better shape regarding forced government insurance, medical procedures, and especially masks that were all the rage some time ago.

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I said no to masks as soon as I looked at the distance between fibers and the size of virus particles. I only shopped at stores that did not require them and many stopped asking me to put one on because they wanted my money. I assure you, it is not easy to buy only at mom-and-pop stores. Still the fear was palpable, which is the part I hated more than anything else.

As I said, they only want control and it will only get more and more intrusive with further compliance. People are waking up to the inconsistencies of the rules, the illegal emergency orders, and the upper class politicians that selectively comply with no fear being infected. The same leaders who said, "You will not get sick if you get the injection." are the same ones who are coming out and saying that they have the sickness.

If any emergency is real, you will see fearful compliance from all politicians and their donors too.

Think of a nuclear attack. Politicians will be the first to seek protection in a bomb shelter. They will not simply go into the shelter when the cameras are on...

When they were successful in implementing helmet laws, that success paved the way for Obama care and fines for non-compliance, then masks and required injections. I did not comply. I will not comply. So many laws and dictates are flawed at their core and more people have learned the hard way that governments do not care about their health or security. I will be sharing more about these topics as I attempt to track the changes over time that have brought us to this point.