It could be a Gallinule 🦤 I call him "Wide Claw"

**I took these pictures today at the nature **reserve.

I was sitting there eating my lunch, and I noticed a really cool reflection. I was seeing the sky and I was looking into the water so I took a picture.


Then, I noticed this large bird with a huge claw, well two clues, walking on the plants that were floating on top of the water.


Then I searched for "large bird that can walk on plants floating on water" and I found this, which could be it but the one I saw was not purple.

Here it is. What do you think it is?


These are smaller than most water birds, so it could be that they're babies.


Either way, it is so nice to get out and play jungle man or maybe swamp creature for a bit and see the wildlife in their natural habitat.

In the end, I didn't eat lunch alone!