Mess in the streets Dec. 5th - Avenida de Mayo
Still keeping an eye out for problems and protests here in South America. I have been carrying my GoPro with me when I leave home. This one shows another protest in the morning today, heading for the Casa Rosada (Pink House) to drum out The President.
Today I was visiting a friend on the way home from the doctor's office and this came my way. I sow some signs from a town called Merlo, which is pretty far out. It could be that the people here in the city are doing a bit better but those in smaller towns, may be fighting harder to buy food and supplies.
I am not out every day, but if I were, I could certainly find one or two 'bolonquis' happening if I did a quick circuit around the city, more if I went out to the surrounding areas. There is always some group marching with their flags to get what they are asking for.
Even the word is messed up - original is quilombo