One of my favorites. 馃 Home made empanadas

A step by step guide to birthday empanadas!

My little lady wanted to do the cooking for my birthday the other day and she started with the mix that will be our filling for today's meal.


These will be filled with ground beef and spices with cut up hard boiled eggs. Her brother made the filling.

I would usually clear a space on the table in order to work with all the elements in a clutter free space. She, of course, needed her phone and the remote control for youtube on the bug screen in order to start.


The plastic contraption we are using makes closing the empanada easier and more uniform, but there are steps to take before we can see it in action. She has watched and helped in the past, but this is the first time doing everything sola.


She has her cup of water to her right and when the "tap" (tapa) is in place, she has to dip her finger in the water and get the dough sticky so that it does not open in the oven.


I was very surprised that she didn't miss any of the process. I think she gets the logic of putting the water on after pushing the dough into the pattern lines, then letting it soak while putting the filling into the middle. If the water does not have time to soak into the dough, it will not make a good bond and will come apart.


It is very hard to get crisp photos when a child moving as quickly as they do. My other child is impossible to get snap a clear shot of.


Let's see if she got the amount right...


Now the fun begins and her favorite part of the process is at hand.


I think I ordered mine with extra meat anyway! This one looks like it is ready to pop. I was hungry, so it is all good.


The bigger they are, the better they are. The other shape you see (lower left) has different filling. That one is ham and cheese. There are standard forms which tells people in the family what is inside.


If you order empanadas from a pizza place, their machines press the filling name into the borders so that you can read the filling pressed into the dough. No confusion about what you are getting.


Twenty minutes later, the finished product comes out of the oven steaming hot and toasty delicious. Of course, hers were the best ones and her gesture for my special day, along with her smiles and energy, were the best gift of all.


He ate the ham and cheese ones, which are her favorite. Mine were reserved for me.


Thank you all for your support and comments on my last post. You have motivated me to try and make more content on Hive Blog. I hope you enjoyed some home cooking from a different culture. This is my first #foodie post.

We enjoyed making it for you!