Pancho and Goldie are out - Itching for Games.
Goldie does a circuit around my son's neck and back onto the back of his chair.
My son doesn't mind that she is a bit hyperactive.
Pancho comes rolling up on my arm and I say hello to him. These two are best friends. Goldie is only have as old as Pancho. The Boa Constrictor is ten and Goldie is only five. Goldie is a Burmese Python and she will be four meters long when she is ten.
People misjudge these guys, saying that they look angry, but that is just the still view of them. When you get to know them, they are almost cuddly as they come to give you a nice tight hug.
Goldie sees a reptilian enemy on the screen and goes to help my boy fight it off. but she will soon be wrapping around the back of the chair once the threat is eliminated. She only has one finger to use on the keyboard (the tip of her tail) but she uses it with a vengeance.