Supersize Your Cash 馃挷 The More the Merrier

Hello Steve,

Here is another of many posts specifically for you because you had asked me to keep an eye out for happenings here in South America. Today I ran for a bucket of chicken. I am not sure if you have KFC where you are or if you like it, but this one is about money turning to TP.

These are price updates. I can convert them to dollars if you want but that does not really matter in the end. What does matter is that we have to keep adjusting our concept of what is "expensive" or not.


Then there are the times where wages are not keeping up with the worthless cash. My son's wages just doubled but they are still not keeping up with the increase in his living expenses.

Wanna feel like a gamer? Ask Mom or Dad for this...

So a bucket of chicken was only 馃挷2,000 local currency three months ago and now it is more than double that. I find myself making sure I have at least thirty grand on me when I leave the house.


I paid 馃挷4,250 just for a 12 pc bucket today.

They try to break it down to "how much per person" to help people justify taking so much cash out of their pockets. I guess it works. I wish there were a sign below each price saying your government has again readjusted the value of that money you worked for ! and now it buys less than yesterday.

A side note: I was pleased to see mashed and gravy available but when I asked the lady at the counter, she said it was discontinued. Nobody has gravy here. This was the first gravy I had seen in over twenty years.

Soon people will be counting huge quantities of 馃挷1,000 notes for large purchases like computers or appliances. This happened about six years ago with the exception that the largest note was 馃挷100 (a USA wanna-be nation), and I had to count out three hundred notes of a hundred to buy a recliner for the living room. Now that chair is a half million. Result? I would have to count five hundred notes with the number 1,000 on each if I were to buy it today .

What a silly game they play

The government prints it. Then they spend it while it still has value. Then they print more and do it all over again. And this is the fourth time they have printed the money into oblivion.

I am not out every day, but if I were, I could certainly find one or two 'bolonquis' happening if I did a quick circuit around the city, more if I went out to the surrounding areas. I am also working on uploading video to (the Hive video platform).

Bolonqui is slang for desorden or lio in Spanish - Big Mess in English.
Even the word is messed up - original is quilombo