Galeria Jardin Mas vacia y mas linda
Hola! Hace varios dias no posteo nada porque tuve algunos problemas con mi computadora. Espero que hayan pasado buenas fiestas con la gente que ustedes quieren.
Como les estaba contando estuve con algunos problemas con mi computadora es por eso que tuve que irme a la galeria jardin para buscar algunos repuestos para mi equipo.
Pase muchos años sin venir a la galeria porque dedde que termino la pandemia todo se digitalizo y hoy ya casi todo lo podemos comprar desde casa sin salir entonces no me hacia falta. Justamente para salir un poco y aprovechar la ciudad que esta sin mucha gente por vacaciones, decidí ir.
Cuando llegue me lleve una gran sorpresa. Este lugar que siempre estaba con todos los locales llenos y muchisima gente paseando, almorzando y lleno y viniendo por todos lados. Hoy es un lugar muy tranquilo, con muchos locales vacios mucho espacio libre.
Se caracterizo por ser una galeria muy nombrada de la ciudad a donde era muy codiciado poner tu tienda aca ya que estaba ubicado en una zona llena de gente, y por la misma evolucion de la internet hoy los trabajos son mayormente remotos entonces la mayoria de las oficinas que tenian cientos y cientos de empleados concentrados trabajando ahora estan dispersos en lo largo y lo ancho de la ciudad.
En su mayoria los locales son del rubro de la computacon venden insumos de todo tipo. Ppacas de video, coolers, mouse, teclados, monitores, video jugos, sillas gamer, gabinetes y todo tipo de accesorios y repuestos de computacion.
Despues de mi sorpresa, de todos modos seguia necesitando mis repuestos por eso me di una vuelta por la galeria para ver que habia quedado.
Muchos locales vacios como les contaba y cosas que antes no encontrabamos como por ejemplo locales que vendian musica, algun sexshop y locales que venden muñetos tipo Funko Pop.
Algo que encontre favorable es que hoy en dia hay mucha as vegetacion que en otra epoca y a pesar de haber menons gente y la galeria menos llena, el cuidado del lugar esta muy bien conservado para ser algo un poco olvidado o pasado de moda.
Espero que les haya gustado el posteo y Si andan por Argentina vengan si estan por el centro de la ciudad, ademas de la galeria van a encontrar de todo para visitar, conocer y comer. Lugares muy bellos muchos edificios historicos cosas muy lindas.
Inglish Version
Galeria Jardin More empty and prettier
Hello! It's been several days since I posted anything because I had some problems with my computer. I hope you had a good holiday with the people you love.
As I was telling you I had some problems with my computer that's why I had to go to the garden gallery to look for some spare parts for my computer.
I spent many years without coming to the gallery because since the end of the pandemic everything went digital and today we can buy almost everything from home without going out so I didn't need it. Just to get out a little and take advantage of the city that is without many people for vacations, I decided to go.
When I arrived I was very surprised. This place was always with all the stores full and a lot of people walking, having lunch and coming and going all over the place. Today it is a very quiet place, with many empty stores and a lot of free space.
It was characterized for being a very famous gallery of the city where it was very coveted to put your store here because it was located in a crowded area, and by the same evolution of the internet today the jobs are mostly remote so most of the offices that had hundreds and hundreds of employees concentrated working are now scattered throughout the city.
Most of the stores are in the computer business and sell all kinds of supplies. Video cards, coolers, mice, keyboards, monitors, video games, gamer chairs, cabinets and all kinds of computer accessories and spare parts.
After my surprise, I still needed my spare parts anyway so I took a walk through the gallery to see what was left.
Many empty stores as I was telling you and things that we did not find before, such as stores that sold music, some sex shops and stores that sell Funko Pop dolls.
Something that I found favorable is that today there is much more vegetation than in the past and despite having fewer people and the gallery less crowded, the care of the place is very well preserved to be something a little forgotten or out of fashion.
I hope you liked the post and if you are in Argentina come if you are in the center of the city, in addition to the gallery you will find everything to visit, meet and eat. Very beautiful places, many historical buildings and very nice things.