Writing an unconventional warning about the third world war.
Likely not what you think it will be
Everyone thinks that the next world war will be nuclear in nature. It may go there, after all of course, Israel is bombing out the people that are ready to fight to the death for their place of worship and Russia just moved nuclear missiles to the edge of a bordering country. But it will not be only that which takes down humanity.

Let's take Nazi Germany for example image source. How did that country brainwash so many into lifting their hands in the air and shouting the party line salute? The answer is multi-fold; propaganda, fear, and ever changing rules along with checking people's papers at every turn.
I think most of the world have those criteria in place as we speak now. We are on that same road on a world wide scale right now but there is one other thing that I did not mention in the above answer. Control. Yes, they will be checking our papers and spying on us as Hitler did. Yes, we are heading for a social credit score type system like China has been using. Most of that is already in place as far as Google, Facebook, and Youtube censorship goes, but it will become much worse and very quickly.
The above causes people to self censor what they say because they do not want to lose their accounts on the platforms where everyone is and they are addicted to their follower numbers and likes that they get. The money that will have behavioral limitations will be a much stronger way to control what people do, say, and where they go but it will go much much further than that as well.
When I was younger and looking at WWII, I always wondered how he got everyone on his side, the Nazi side that is. The above methods do play into it and as a matter of fact, pro-Nazi sentiment en mas has already taken root world wide. I just came back from The Ukraine. The government there is completely Nazi and the entire world is siding against the one country that is fighting them. This is a great example of how false " the enemy of my enemy is my friend " can be. We are there, right where the people of Nazi Germany were right before the entire world fought to annihilate them. Now the world is with the Nazis.
Hitler got total compliance and then tried to take it world wide through guns and bombs. Schwab is going world wide first then fully implementing his controls though there is already wide ranging compliance.

How will they go from "wide ranging" to "total" compliance? This is where world domination gets interesting. It is on par with the invisible dog collars that currently exist. There will be severe pain or even death coming upon the non-compliant members of society.
The good and bad news...
Most would say they want the bad news first so I guess I will give you that one first.
The bad news is that the "invisible fence collars" are already in place and so is the "fence". The collar is inside you whether you are vaccinated or not. The only ones that will protected are those who chose to live in a lead lined room and take no internet or devices in with them. That, however, will only work if they use a wired NIC (network interface cable) connected computer. This has been in process since lead paint was banned, some sixty years ago, and maybe even further back than that.
The good news is that everyone will have free internet connectivity, but it will not work with your phone or laptop. There are small wireless routers, sensors, and repeaters in every muscle, organ and joint in your body.
Very few will escape this one aspect of the controls system that is in place. There are many other aspects that are in play but this one is fully published in the public domain so I am not releasing any information that impact my role.
A side note: Jew hatred is starting to take root. I saw a large screen set up in the a major U.S. city and some of the Palestine protestors were speaking in front of it bragging about how many Jews they have killed, one claimed 10 notches in his belt. Again, widely available on line and this sort of thing is happening, you guessed it, world wide.